Starting in ember

March 23, 2021

Going from multiple fires to a single ember, has been the approach I’ve taken this year and I understand why it’s not the norm. Don’t have all of your eggs in one basket is pretty good advice, it works in principle = better stability, greater odd chances, less fear. Sometimes however going against the grain, putting all your chips in and being decisive, is not only crazy but also important. Embers can fizzle out or they can grow, focusing on that little dim spec and managing to slowly grow it into a stable little fire is meaningful work, it’s also dancing with chaos until that point. Why do it… why not just make a factory that grows the embers or plants, produce hundreds, thousands even! Sit back, do some work here and there and eventually something will manage to grow and you can enjoy its fruits and continue.There is a clear exception to this idea though, what if the production is not uniform, they each have their own production challenges, fail/success states and value differences. Sure at that point you can create a type of generalized factory and apply tools across the various plants…then you see a golden goose smack down riding the conveyer belt, how the heck, do you let him continue down the assembly line or do you snatch him? Perhaps place him on your chair and envision a magnificent specialized castle for this goose to lay in, I sure would, perhaps you would too?


So that’s what I do now, I work on a castle that is go2hx. inside this castle there is an odd looking goose. I don’t think he even produces eggs, but he does produce something! Very nice blueprints. He still lacks a lot of the mastery that comes from proper testing but he’s getting there, and I believe in him. Like an ember the project is a high concentrated essence, minimal scope with a very high propositional value like any golden goose should be.


So how does this tie into creating a record/blog of sorts? Because a byproduct is created from pursuits like this, useful knowledge that can be efficiently released for a low time cost. Unlike a guide or tutorial that is a new creation in most regards, what I want to do is take the notes and manuals I write for myself internally, polish them up and publish them. Allowing for an equivalent person as myself to benefit and engage with them.

So the plan is simple, work will continue on the castle, knowledge acquired along the way will be dumped here, and best outcome would be that it inspires someone else to publish the byproduct of their development that I would enjoy reading.

That’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed the strange analogies, below I’m gonna link some articles/blog posts to give a good sample of what I am shooting for.
